Category: People
Sometimes that’s good. Sometimes it isn’t. Things change, friends leave and life doesn’t stop for anybody. The person they have become is the person they would hate and want to fight for hurting the person they love dearly. As time goes, a dream became a nightmare. All promises were broken and …
Those difficult people are the ones we need to learn what not to be, unhappy antisocial people will always exist. Once a friend told me that difficult people exist to redeem us from our sins. ~ Maria Ines As many as they can come your way, good or bad, it is …
It’s almost bewildering, but we tend to feel a pull towards certain individuals; almost like your intuition tells you this person is important. ~ Shalena Gill Strongest bond in the whole universe is the bond between two pure and loving hearts. If someone is made for you, he/she will find a …
When people are rude, they are usually miserable with themselves. They usually recognize their rudeness in the face of your kindness. ~ Elaine Wilhelm Have inner peace and happiness within yourself. When you found that nothing else matters around you. Everything will fall in right places & you don’t have to …
Their rudeness is their ignorance. Let go and step away from their childish drama. Most people who say rude things do not think they are being rude. (Unless they are on a power trip and are deliberately establishing a hierarchy of who gets to disrespect whom.) Not responding is great, …
When in doubt about how someone is feeling, a hug never fails. Sometimes that’s all a person needs. Just knowing that just one person cares can be the best medicine. ~ Dean Nordberg We all have problems in life maybe in different ways or situation, but if you have an open …