Category: People
Don’t let others underestimate you. The devil is everywhere. Haters can’t handle the good as good & bad always battle it out & God protects us from all evil.
You can’t save those that don’t want to be saved. Most people don’t want to be saved. Besides, If you keep bailing everybody out, they’ll never learn to paddle on their own. ~ Ann Marie Sometimes we get lost ourselves in the process of trying to save someone and intern we …
I wished I learned this a long time ago, now I’m trying to put it into practice. It’s going to upset a few people, yet they don’t care if there upsetting me. They are so use to doing it, God help the people who do it to them though. ~ Patricia …
We can’t worry about what other people say or think of us. We can only control what we think of ourselves! As long as we don’t hurt anyone, we have all the right to be happy even in a simple way. In most cases people that talk bad about you is …
I have so many people telling me to stop speaking out and stop expressing my opinion, because they don’t agree with it. I can’t stop being me any more than I can stop breathing willingly. I am who I am, love me, or leave me, but don’t ask me to …
Those who tend to look outward with the sole purpose and objective in helping others rarely have the time to focus on their own issues and tribulations. It’s a very rewarding mindset and practice to get into. There are always others out there far worse off than yourself. Be grateful! …