Category: People
Everyone we meet in life is a teacher!
I love learning new things and meeting positive people. What you put out there is what you attract! ~ Antoinette Muah
People certainly show their true colors once they don’t need anything from you anymore. If you can’t be yourself with the people you like it’s not a happy place. So I always say take me how you find me! ~ Christine Elliott There is a child inside each one …
Everyone from family and friends etc go through situations and issues that is part of life. We all make mistakes because it just happens, people need to be aware of family members and friends and how they deal with situations and how they treat people it usually isn’t the message …
Some use you, some abuse you, some hurt you, the real ones will always stick around! I’m glad to have my best friend in my life, plus she has my back no matter what. ~ Karlie Benton The right ones that have stayed in my life is my family. …
Sometimes helping others heals yourself! When I have personal problems, I tend to think of world problems. My problems are always very small indeed to world problems. ~ Violet Pearson All of us have our own struggles in all aspects. This means that even at times we are low, …