Category: People
Some use you, some abuse you, some hurt you, the real ones will always stick around! I’m glad to have my best friend in my life, plus she has my back no matter what. ~ Karlie Benton The right ones that have stayed in my life is my family. …
Sometimes helping others heals yourself! When I have personal problems, I tend to think of world problems. My problems are always very small indeed to world problems. ~ Violet Pearson All of us have our own struggles in all aspects. This means that even at times we are low, …
The real you is not for someone to discover. You are the CEO of your heart and have to decide who you show your heart to. Love is like poker. If you show your hand and he/she folds, you throw in your hand, check your chips and bet again. If …
Sincere people will point out your flaw to help you… Loyalty and respect are the most precious things you could ever receive than others. They are key for a good relation and friendship for eternity. They are magnifiers that recover those who deserve you and those who are pretending to …
Stop trying to open doors for people… Do not allow toxic and negative people in your life. They won’t allow you to live or die. They may spoil your life. When one door closes another will open. When the first door closed it was for our good reminder. Tomorrow is …
The power of saying NO to some people… Sometimes you just gotta say no; I think that you have to do that even when it’s a family member, Daughter, or Son. ~ Donna Frey Saying no to your loved family members and truly good friends is the hardest. They will …