Category: People
Day in and day out We meet people from all walks of life. Have you ever wondered who crosses our path . These apparently unrelated meetings decide your future and destiny. These meetings and circumstances are created by your strong desire , your absolute faith and your perseverance in a certain …
Living in this World , We have to face all situations , some of your own making and some of others as a well wisher and as a friend. Your real ability lies in keeping calm under all circumstances irrespective of the situation. Violent mind like a muddled water suffers …
Our life journey starting from childhood involve so many people in school , at work & in social relationships. Most of them become part of your life temporarily and then drift apart making way for someone else to be associated with your life to give you life experiences of all …
You don’t need things to make you happy, if you think you do, your looking in the wrong place for happiness. Being happy because bad things are happening to other people is a false equivalence and honestly, makes you a bad person. You should feel sad that those people are …
Straight forward people are always better than those who think one, speak another and do something else. ~ Aditya Kumar Love straight forward even if they are mean because I know what to do with honesty information. ~ Elizabeth Walsh Megna
Unfortunately we have become too materialistic and many people place more emphasis to things when the real value lies in people, not things. ~ Ligia Elena