Category: People
Human relationship is a complex interplay of emotions. It is very difficult to predict when would a particular relationship turn sour. It could be due to mistakes committed by both but many times you are not the offender. In spite of your best efforts you are unable to heal the …
Our feeling’s for one another are hidden in the bottom of our heart but when the relationship is real your feelings are easily transferred from your heart to your mouth expressing what you really feel inside. These little communications between you keep the uninterrupted flow of love and emotions between …
Our life relationships are really complex guided by so many factors some of which aren’t under your control. If you feel somebody avoids you , it may not be due to something you have done . Misunderstanding can be created by anybody anytime. If your relationship is strong , it …
Life shall always have obstacles in your path. Some never try to jump over them and then curse their luck. Those who succeed in life take them as a small hiccough and move on step by step in the right direction in spite of those around you pulling you down …
We are all creations of God and We possess all the powers within us to reach any level without limitations. What is required is a strong thought , belief and visualization of what you want to achieve. If done , you attract and invite just the right persons and things …
When people start talking behind your back and if it comes to your knowledge it is not the time to get discouraged or hold grudges but to realize that people resort to it when they envy you for the heights you have reached or for the things you possess or …