Category: People
Everyday offers a learning experience. its how we choose to apply it to our lives. We can learn something if we open ourselves up to it. I didn’t always feel like this but as I get older I appreciate things more and take less for granted. ~ Dana Perkins These people …
Our life journey is for limited years. Nobody can escape jaws of death. In this period , you develop relationships with all kinds of people around you. Those who don’t deserve to be the part of your life do their bit to teach you a lesson and then depart from …
World is full of all kinds of people good and bad. Everybody is different due to his upbringing , education , prejudices , customs etc. However good intentions you might have , you will find somebody in your family , community and work environment who will differ from you and …
We control how we react and feel, we are all different and react differently due to our life experiences. Just because we are responsible for how we react to how others, does not give a person the green card to mistreat another. Being kind to others sets an example to …
Why waste even one minute of precious time on the worthless ones. We’re better than that. We walk away from the pile of dogie do, avoid it and just walk away, to never look back. If we accidentally step in it, we wipe it off and walk away all the …
If what they’re saying or thinking about you is not true or not important, just laugh it off, focus of doing what is right, and be happy. Sure, nobody could turn you down, unless you allow them. ~ Sunny Ramel I don’t care and mind if these people around me …