Category: People
If they love you they will love and accept just the way you are. Be yourself! Express who you are and change for the better. Change to become a better version of yourself. Change your bad behavior and attitude for better life and for true love. If people don’t like …
Those people can’t see that reflection themselves and realise the hurt they create for others. ~ Jason Warmington Look in the mirror before you throw back stabbing knives and remember those who are jealous throw rocks at shiny things. ~ Yolanda Massey Sometimes when people is helpless because of their own mistake …
I thought my life was so bad because I couldn’t afford shoes, then I met a happy man who had no feet. ~ Albert Diaz Be happy and content for what you have. The happiest people are those who don’t have a lot. Enjoy the little things, for one day you …
It is always best to be real and stay true to yourself always. Lying to yourself is a bullet in the heart. ~ Nab Suzanne The only person we need to know well is ourselves. ~ Dipankar Biswas They’ll hurt you, and desert you, they’ll take your soul if you let them, …
What don’t kill you makes you Stronger. We never know how strong we can be until we “feel” our weakness. ~ Paul Renna The more you dwell on an attitude of gratitude for the hard times, the more you establish within yourself a belief that you must have hard times in …
The fact is we always think those unwanted persons wasting our time and mood. ~ Aliviya Dhar Gives us more time to think about the ones we love. Instead enjoy moments to those who care for you. ~ Maricris Valenzuela They don’t even pop into my special little mind. ~ Laurie Carroll This would …