Category: People
Those who tend to look outward with the sole purpose and objective in helping others rarely have the time to focus on their own issues and tribulations. It’s a very rewarding mindset and practice to get into. There are always others out there far worse off than yourself. Be grateful! …
I don’t want to chase people, I just want to say goodbye. I hate it when they just disappear without even saying anything. ~ Andria Kita When you are constantly there for somebody and realize they are not giving their all and you decide to let go, maybe the other person …
There is nothing wrong in being sensitive. After all God has made us human! What’s the difference between human and animals if we don’t have emotion and are not sensitive to the world. I like sensitive people, they feel more though they also hurt deeper but basically they love and …
People change for many reasons. Sometimes for the better, sometimes for the worse. We have no control over it! The thing we should know is when to embrace it and when it’s time to move on! See it for what it truly is, reality is the best option! ~ Gloria Easley …
Being surround by people that don’t think you are worthy of a greeting or a kind word is pretty lonely as well. We all matter. Be sure your actions don’t shut someone out. ~ Jana Themom Being alone and being lonely are 2 different things. Some people are happier when they …
The ones who are meant to be in your life will always be there or come back and stay, one way or the other. You can forgive and you can forgive again and again, but you should not enable. You should not reward hurtful, wrong behavior when it’s repeated again …