Category: People

People Relationship

The loneliest thing in the world

Being surround by people that don’t think you are worthy of a greeting or a kind word is pretty lonely as well. We all matter. Be sure your actions don’t shut someone out. ~ Jana Themom  Being alone and being lonely are 2 different things. Some people are happier when they …
Care Heart People

You have to give up on some people

One door closes so another one can open. Sometimes you keep trying and trying to reach out and they just don’t care so you have to dust the dust from your shoes and move forward. ~ Eleanora Rivera  Unfortunately sometimes we discover this later and tell ourselves how come I didn’t …
People Strength

Strong people don’t put others down

Being kind and helpful doesn’t mean weakness nor naivety. Insecure people put others down. If you are secured, you’re happy and contended that’s why you want to share your happiness too, whereas, bitter people are sad and worst. They are dangerous! ~ Mary Gicana  It’s funny how the ones who criticize …