Category: Peace

Good Peace

Sometimes peace is better than being right

Sometimes all it takes to make another happy is two minutes of your time. Just keep that in mind while your working on your own happiness. ~ Jessica Sokol  There’s no point of using up your energy and time with what is obviously not worth it. Often it takes far more …

Nature is the greatest place to heal & recharge

It’s time to take a walk by yourself and just breathe deep, let the tension float away and you are entitled to crying your heart out. It is your time and nobody who isn’t in your shoes has any say or criticism. Look to nature, the Great Mother Earth is …
Care Peace Relationship

Why people hold hands?

Amen to holding hands. Makes me feel so very SPECIAL. The older I get the better it makes me feel. I am very grateful to have someone that will hold my hand, open doors for me, etc. He is special to me. ~ Elizabeth Campbell  Holding hands just to feel the …
Peace Soul

A walk on the beach

I love walking on the beach, the ocean cleanses the soul and heals the mind. Best therapy Mother Nature offers and it’s free. ~ Carmen Skoczylas    The ocean has always been recognised as one of the primal forces of nature. Sitting by the shore, walking on the beach, watching the …
Life Peace

Taking a break from routine life

Never forget to find time to our self to relax from anxiety. Taking a break or a vacation can cure your brain and to your heart. Life keeps moving! Don’t tire yourself too much. Just sit, relax with a cup of tea in the balcony. It’s really rejuvenating! That is your …