Category: Peace
When I feel unhappy, I go for a nice long walk. It doesn’t matter if it’s early morning mid day late night or middle of the night. I just put in my headphones and walk walk walk and try to appreciate all that’s around me. The good and bad. The good …
Just pray and God will show you the way. It’s all about the journey, take one day at a time. Live for today, it may be your last. Music for heart, praying for soul, life without emotion and without faith is an empty life. ~ Cecilia Ferreira Experience the power of …
We should learn to let go because if you love something, let it go. If it comes back to you, it’s yours forever but if it doesn’t then, it was never meant to be. Set it free. There will be time, time for you and time for me, and time …
Majority of the people are fond of showing their strength and might . This strengthens their self ego and self importance. But this is not the way to win the heart of people. Fight reciprocated by fight adds fuel to the fire and is never a solution. If you want …
Even when I try too keep the peace there is always someone that’s determined too take the happiness and peace away but they will get what they deserve in the end. ~ Maria Green We are all subject to the Law of Karma (sowing and reaping) until we transcend mortality …
I pray all the time that people understand this. Life can be taken in a flash and you will live with regret the rest of your life. Please don’t let it happen to you. You don’t have to do it alone. God is right there with you. ~ Vickie McKenzie