Category: Peace

Kindness Peace

How beautiful it is to stay silent?

I prayed this: “Father, You are Lord over my emotions, my entire being. Give me the gift of patience and self-control that I may always choose to love above proving myself right.” ~ Gel Romero When you can keep your emotions in check when others are trying to push your …
Peace People

Don’t let people pull you into their storm

Living in this World , We have to face all situations , some of your own making and some of others as a well wisher and as a friend. Your real ability lies in keeping calm under all circumstances irrespective of the situation. Violent mind like a muddled water suffers …

There’s Peace on Earth

If you keep turning on the news in order to receive your “message” of world peace, then you will never find it. World peace will happen when we turn OFF the tv.  
Good Peace

When you finally get something good

If you’re really grateful and appreciate what you already have then you wouldn’t want to go look for something better. Otherwise you never deserved that goodness in your life in the first place. You’ll only appreciated what you had once you’ve lost it. ~ Anita Tutuaitu  Happiness is achieved when you …
Good Peace

Sometimes peace is better than being right

Sometimes all it takes to make another happy is two minutes of your time. Just keep that in mind while your working on your own happiness. ~ Jessica Sokol  There’s no point of using up your energy and time with what is obviously not worth it. Often it takes far more …

Nature is the greatest place to heal & recharge

It’s time to take a walk by yourself and just breathe deep, let the tension float away and you are entitled to crying your heart out. It is your time and nobody who isn’t in your shoes has any say or criticism. Look to nature, the Great Mother Earth is …