Category: Peace
No matter what others are thinking of me, this is what I feel when I rest my head on my pillow every night. ~ Unknown Other people may try to make your heart as cold as theirs, but as long as you stay true to yourself you are the winner! …
Sometimes we have to take another road. Happiness is not only found in one place. Once you’ve done all you can, it’s best to leave it alone and walk away. Happiness come from inside not in other. No matter what someone will disappoint you. I find greatness in me every …
The best is yet to come! Enjoy the road. Not the destination. The best day in your life is today. For today is the only day guaranteed. The best today will prepare for better tomorrow’s. It’s always nice to relax well after long day work or went out, come home take …
Sometimes we hold so tightly to what is wrong that what is right passes us right by! It is always better to have loved and lost, than have never loved. At the end we always have to let go, what we love, because we also have to go one day …
If they are with you because of money, you don’t want them. They should want to be with you because of your beautiful spirit! I thought it was a dream but things happen when you least expect them! I was going through a messy divorce, took myself to gran canaria …
Decency cost a lot of patience, acceptance, bearing, self esteem, all that is in you that you never knew it was there. ~ Kausar Sadiq Years of hard work and lots of contemplation and will is needed to be a decent person in this dog eat dog world. Some are blessed …