Category: Move on
It takes a brave soul to walk away from something or someone that you love, but sometimes it is the only and best thing to do because deep down eventually you realise that no matter what anyone else thinks you deserve better, you deserve to be happy and most of …
You can always move. If you don’t like where you live. Move. If you don’t like HOW you live. Move. If you don’t move……it’s a choice. If you choose not to move, then there’s something about the position you’ve chosen that you like ( at some level.) ~ Margot Grissom …
You just have to keep moving forward no matter how hard it is. Even though sometimes you’re mucking through thick mud with no shoes, always move forward. ~ Curtis Hamlett Times change. If you don’t, you get left behind. Learn from the past even hurts but don’t live …
I needed to cleanse my soul & get the hell away from the situation & now I’m blessed beyond measure. ~ Rita Doyle You have to love and respect yourself first before you can expect someone else to. Nobody can discover the world for somebody else. Only when …
Self respect is the key. Never let that go. ~ Derek Perritt When he gives you no choice but to walk, when someone doesn’t want you or love you that’s the only thing you can do and you get left with a broken heart. ~ Kimberly Belanger Broken …
I choose happiness because I’m trying to be with other’s who chose the same. Being hurt by other’s is nothing to be happy about. Time to put your self at the top of the list, and don’t accept anything less! ~ Darlene Nelson I choose to be happy because I …