Category: Move on
Keep moving forward. However when you get to where you want to be, you will want to be somewhere else eventually. So that place you want to be is now, because tomorrow is guaranteed to no one. But never stop trying to improve yourself, no matter where you are on …
Remember – He who angers you, controls you. If it doesn’t matter a year from now, it does’t matter at all. Stop letting people steal your joy!
If a person comes at you with unkind words, let them finish ranting, then says “do you feel better now that you got that off your chest” or an argument that you know you are right. “I refuse to have words with an unarmed person”, if you ate being called …
It takes a brave soul to walk away from something or someone that you love, but sometimes it is the only and best thing to do because deep down eventually you realise that no matter what anyone else thinks you deserve better, you deserve to be happy and most of …
You can always move. If you don’t like where you live. Move. If you don’t like HOW you live. Move. If you don’t move……it’s a choice. If you choose not to move, then there’s something about the position you’ve chosen that you like ( at some level.) ~ Margot Grissom …
You just have to keep moving forward no matter how hard it is. Even though sometimes you’re mucking through thick mud with no shoes, always move forward. ~ Curtis Hamlett Times change. If you don’t, you get left behind. Learn from the past even hurts but don’t live …