Category: Move on
Just continue to move forward and you will find what you have been looking for. There is no use wasting time. What you cannot change, let it go to hell and move forward. There are many important thing to do. ~ Surinder Sandhu If you yourself can’t change something, then find …
The intuitive mind is a sacred gift and the rational mind a faithful servant. We have created a society that honors the servants and has forgotten the gifts. ~ Albert Einstein This statement refers more to that “gut feeling”, the “red flags” that have no “reasonable basis in fact” that too often …
If you can’t fly then run, if you can’t run then walk, if you can’t walk then crawl, but whatever you do you have to keep moving forward. ~Joss Whedon Each step you take gives you more strength and courage to take the next step. It also gives you hope …
If something meant to be, it will come. If something doesn’t, you can’t hold it any more. First of all, we have to make sure that God is the one that shut the door and not our stupidity. Just be quiet and listen. He will let you know. ~ Lisa Ann …
Keep your life in a forward momentum, then you continue to live and grow. It’s a chance to discover all that you have been missing in your life. ~ Julie Becker No matter how bad it hurts letting go of someone, but you never know what God’s got in store for …
Don’t make the same mistake over & over again. Get outside the box you have built around yourself & live life. Don’t ever think about changing people. I wouldn’t even want to try, just let them go and the drama will go along with them. It is so easy to get …