Category: Move on
When you talk down to someone it don’t make you better, it shows your ignorance. Thank you for your sarcasm though, keep up the good work. ~ William Mayo Be the bigger person and keep away from people who try to be little you in any way. No one is your friend …
It was like, I was born just for these people who depends on me. I always wish I can enjoy my own life, do what I like, but I can’t. I don’t have time for myself. Everyday, I am waiting for the night to come just for me to get …
You always start with yourself. Take it step by step and do what you need to do for yourself. Enjoy the little things in life. It will remind you of where you want to go. When it seems too hard to move on, that’s when you start taking it …
Sometimes we have to let go, and let God work his miracle in our lives! At the end of this life we say goodbye to everyone and everything in it. That’s way the ability to detach is so important. ~ Phillippa McGrath Sometimes it’s family who walks away or whom we …
It all starts with putting the past behind you in order to move on with the future! Think about how much better and richer your life will be with those who hurt you and no longer serve you, are out of it. ~ Janet Weltz This doesn’t only refer to romantic …
It’s better you loose then keep on living your life in misery. Learned in the University of Life. ~ Sue Miller Sometimes it’s a blessing especially with people who act like their your best friend for over thirty years and you find out they never were.Bye Bye… Your loss! ~ Angela Lee …