Category: Move on
I don’t want to chase people, I just want to say goodbye. I hate it when they just disappear without even saying anything. ~ Andria Kita When you are constantly there for somebody and realize they are not giving their all and you decide to let go, maybe the other person …
People change for many reasons. Sometimes for the better, sometimes for the worse. We have no control over it! The thing we should know is when to embrace it and when it’s time to move on! See it for what it truly is, reality is the best option! ~ Gloria Easley …
Sometimes it’s good to burn bridges so the crazy people will not follow you. On trying to go back you will fall so deeply. Walk forward and never look back! You can never get back time. So don’t waste it. “People come in your life for a reason, a season or …
A broken heart still beats as a reminder that it’s you that matters not them. So forget your past & move on. Your life is an individual life not a group, whatever the situation, life must continue. Moving on is actually always difficult. It hurts so much, but it’s always …
If we go with the flow of life, and trust that life (God) has the best in store for us. Change can be beautiful and exciting, but if we believe that we know what’s best for us, not God. Life can be brutal and exhausting because we are fearful to …
Most times it is because they don’t care the way you do. It makes room to let the real friends in and give them more room in your life. ~ Fran Doremus It is hard not to care, but you can only allow people to hurt you so much, then you …