Category: Mistakes
Where there’s life there’s hope! Life is uncertain just remember these in all the pain and failures we encountered those where just lessons to be nourished because experience are the best teacher. In pains and hardship in life when achieved you’ll embraced and cherish the sweetness and a real joy …
When you meet by internet or in Church, everyone is nice in the beginning. Takes months sometimes even camping with them to really know if you like the real person. ~ Beth Horner We have to accept the fact that people are not perfect. We have a choice to either accept …
You learn from the past but do not forget for the same mistake will happen if not remembered. You make mistakes but your mistakes are not you. ~ Timothy Bing People always have a way of bringing up your past or so they think. ~ Johanne Schnurr Put the past …
If you give them one chance they take advantage and will keep doing the same over and over again. You can’t be the victim without your own approval. It is even more painful when it is family, but some people are toxic and you must leave them behind for your …
I pray to my God every day to give me strength to go forward with a positive and loving heart. We must focus our future to step forward to make our dreams come true.
Your best teacher is your mistakes! We always learn from the past, from our mistakes and errors in life and become better person. In my experiences of life, always success and happiness is the effect of this little hard times. So for now I never worry at all but I …