Category: Mistakes
Too much time talking about each other and not to each other. Most relationships also fail because one person is spending too much time enjoying the company of someone else. ~ Laura Thibault In order for any relationship to work we have got to love the strengths and accept the weaknesses. …
Forgive thyself so I can move on. Be kind to myself. ~ Unknown We must forgive ourselves first. It is essential in forgiving others. We are our worst hardest critic. It’s one day at a time & a long process, but it does happen. ~ MClaire Delorme The hardest person to …
Don’t ever mistake a wink from me for friendliness. I might have just cringed when I was unfortunate to look at you. ~ Diane Nolasco Unfortunately some people will just cross the line, mainly with kind, calm quiet people, so I’ve learnt to practice ‘tough love’, in order to 1. Protect …
Remind yourself that you’re bound to get better. Don’t get down on yourself. Don’t beat yourself up. It’s the next opportunity that matters, not the last one. ~ Jim Rohn You need to have your eyes facing in the direction of your feet are going. Don’t look back! We waste …
Our life journey is nothing but series of actions one after the another. We have to make choices every now and then. These choices in every day life is what makes our destiny. As We go along , we are bound to get good and worst experiences which help our …
Anyone that you meet in your life has value. So it is not necessary to feel hurt, pain or suffering. It is part of life and God would not allow you to meet (for whatever the reason) if it was not meant. That is how we go through our …