Category: Mind
It can be done if you just stop and think before you speak or act. When you forgive someone you do it for you, not the other person. It frees “you”. Forgiveness is the hardest thing to do but it sets you free from all that hate and remember in …
In addition to some beautiful place outside, we may try to create some beautiful place inside our self.
When those little things come naturally, you know it’s real. You just can’t help thinking about new ways to surprise her and make her happy. ~ Bill Gibbs Like doing the dishes, cleaning off the kitchen table, putting away laundry, dusting, vacuuming, shall I go on? ~ Jill Dubler The simple little …
Sad thing is most of the time the person crossing your mind has forgotten completely, crazy how the world turns. ~ Rodney Greenfield We have to move on. If they don’t give us a sing it means they are not worth thinking about them. I keep on trying to convince myself …
It’s the blessing of God who give a solution to resolve your problem as he always do. He is very kind to all of us. ~ Rana Naveed Ali This is part of God’s plan to teach us that we as his children are all connected to each other in some …
Everyone we meet are in a different stage of development or decay. The minds of the world are either growing in awareness and reason or slipping deeper into deception. The problem is we are seeing them from our limited perceptions as well. Is it their mind which is off track …