Category: Love

Faith Friendship Heart Love Smile Strength

When your Heart is broken

Always forgive. It is cleansing to your heart.  To make someone smile when your own heart is broken because that person’s happiness is more important than my own. It’s all about love! You forgive, as you are a “lover of Life”. To go through life a “bitter” person, is a waste …
Love Relationship

Never chase people

Love begets love. You do not need to chase, or get attention to make it worth having. Just be yourself and the right person will appreciate you. You have value, know it and own it. If that person ignores you, doesn’t really seem to take note of any struggles you’re …
Care Heart Love Relationship

Intimacy is not purely physical

Intimacy goes beyond the “physical intimacy” (i.e. sex) and, in fact, may exist even without it. It is a very close connection with someone else as a result of a bond that is formed through the knowledge and experience of the other. Genuine intimacy requires dialogue, transparency, vulnerability and reciprocity. …
Care Heart Love Relationship

Relationships are like Birds

Relationships are like birds, they need somebody to care and feed them too. You let it go it will fly away, but if you loved it right it will come back to you. The key is to allow that person to grow without defining who or what you think they …