Category: Love

Care Lesson Learned Love

Learn to love without condition

We would not be concerned with what “others” do or do not do. We would only be mindful of being loving, caring, and giving ourselves; without exception, without reserve, and without any expectations. ~ Ken Bauer  We are often hurt because we have expectations if we cared and didn’t expect anything …
Feelings Love Mind Soul

The secret of Life

Everyone should love themselves. Forget all the negative people because people will love you, people will hate you and none of it really has anything got to do with you. What we sow, we reap. Don’t let anyone dull your sparkle. ~ Shelly Drennan When you love yourself, you love …
Love Relationship Trust

A Successful Marriage

I’ve been falling in love over and over again since 1970 and to the same man – the love of my life. ~ Sandra Arbeni  I am married for several years, and it does take work on both parts, then you fall in love all over again. ~ Brenda Fox  Everyday when …
Life Love Relationship

Someone who really wants you in their life

You really find out who your real friends are when you start to sink! There’s unconditional love, all accepting, forgiving and loving us just as we are, for better or for worse. Punishing, unforgiving and accepting only according to behaviors. I will love you if you behave well, I won’t …
Love Strength Trust

Love is worth fighting for

All sides need to fight for love in order for it to move forward. Love is about sparing your everything to save someone’s life. It is about lending the hand of help to that person who lives in darkest valleys, so I could drag him up to see the light …