Category: Love

Heart Love Wisdom

A person’s most useful asset

I’ve wanted to stop and change every mind from negativity but find myself getting dragged down by doing it, so from now on I have to focus on myself and changing and fixing me. I can’t save them all and run out of will to try. My children are what’s …
Love Relationship

How we come to love in life?

It doesn’t always work though, the other person has to feel the same and want to work together and not run when things are uncomfortable! ~ Dionne Davidson    No one is perfect, if you looking for a saint then it will take a lifetime to get one.
Love Respect

Don’t lose your dignity & self respect for others

All my life (now 50) I searched for approval from everyone. I actually wasted time. Love yourself , walk tall and take it all easy. ~ Helen Bolon    Some people just think tomorrow will always be available to them. Thus, thinking the person they push away, and hurt in the …
Belief Love

Believe those who show you love

Words mean nothing until they are proven! Actions speak watch the actions.   Love is shown in many forms. Be it by staying by someone’s side & believing who they love really is all they know they are & never giving up on them or a physical cuddle gifts blah …