Category: Love
Falling in love is a beautiful thing especially when the right one is right there beside you. We must also learn to be happy within ourselves. Not just when we are in a relationship. ~ Arlene Recio Most of us miss out a lot in life. When we don’t depend …
If you can’t handle me at my worst, then you sure as hell don’t deserve me at my best. ~ Marilyn Monroe It’s great to have a man in my life who treats me like a queen and I treat him like my king. A special something we have that’s …
Marriage is hard work, but once you figure things out it gets easier and very rewarding. ~ Claudia Malone The marriage is a commitment between a man and a woman to make the relationship work. ~ Joyce Parker I’m not married on papers, but married by souls. He’s the most handsome, respectable …
Do nice things for people to help them have a good day. That is what we all should do for each other. All days we should be loveable. If you put the best you out there you tend to be more confident. When you happy with you it shows. ~ …
The problem is some people can’t handle the truth. People want to judge you without knowing you and talk about you behind your back and not think one thing is wrong. And it is hurtful. ~ Marcia Zanin Gossips are the cause of far too much trouble in the world. …
Grey hair, no hair, we are a pair. People don’t love enough or accept their roles properly in relationships. Old people know how to do that. What God took out of Adam, he placed in Eve so they needed each other. Genuine Love is selfless and can not thrive were …