Category: Love
If you love someone make sure they know it or someone else will. The ones who have someone that proves it everyday is truly blessed. I can imagine how beautiful the feeling is. ~ Helen Galsti Some have that now and don’t realize and appreciate it then wonder why their man …
Be nice, just the same to everybody simply because you are a nice person. Do all things with kindness. Try it just for a day. ~ Mahatma Gandhi You don’t have to be rude. Always keep your class about you. If you don’t have anything nice to say, don’t say anything. Killing …
The people who love you and support you for who you are, are family regardless of blood. ~ Dave Spedding Isn’t it sad that there are so many broken families? If that is your situation, there comes a time when you must rise above the pain and go forth doing what …
Unconditional love. No labels on people, just loving them for them. ~ Diana Preneta How real love meant to be, it’s really hard to find so ideal and that what life proves day after day. Break down is not bad, being real with some breakdowns is much better than fake good …
If they love you they will love and accept just the way you are. Be yourself! Express who you are and change for the better. Change to become a better version of yourself. Change your bad behavior and attitude for better life and for true love. If people don’t like …
Always the actions tell the truth. Never go by what you hear, but always what you feel. A touch, a look, a frown, a smile is more than a thousand words. Treating someone lovingly is the best way to say ‘I love you’. ~ Judith Epelle Words are nice when they …