Category: Love
You have to treasure what you have and be sure not to lose it in your life. ~ Einna Lim Truth is: People exactly know what they have but they don’t want to appreciate what they have. If people would just stop and think about the ones that are there for …
No one can love you more but yourself alone. God is within us. Love thyself. Love yourself because there’s no guarantee that others will. ~ Barbara Hamilton If one does not love ones self, respect ones self, one indeed can expect disappointment. ~ Jessica Bennett Hating our actions and hating our …
You don’t need to do things that are pleasant to everyone as long as you did what you can. You cannot give what you do not have. It’s not all about on the outside appearance. Happiness is beauty. ~ Enuhj Leinad Accepting yourself and how you look is the toughest thing. …
Friends who find time that they can afford and manage to fit you into their tight and hectic schedule are friends in need as in deed. ~ Margaret Young Only people who cared about you will never look at their scheduled. Those are true friends nd people who cared about you. …
No matter how many times people try to break us up, we will always find each other. ~ Cassie Nyati Soul mates gravitate towards each other. Time, distance and circumstances notwithstanding. If you’re destined for one another, it will come to pass regardless because destiny decrees it so. Call it the …
The best company in life is yourself. Until you can be happy and comfortable in your own skin alone, you shouldn’t be with anyone. Sacrificing your spirit for codependency will kill you internally. ~ Unknown You may feel lonely and your heart weights heavy with the emotional isolation, yet this is a …