Category: Love
My Husband held my hand everyday. Made me laugh everyday, made me giggle before falling asleep. Held me so close every night. Together 24/7/365 & only 1 real fight in 6 years. Loved him since I was 15. God blessed me with the greatest love of my life. God called him Home but I feel him. …
Even more precious are the arms of your grandchildren. What is more love then a child’s arms wrapped around your neck and those little kisses that is so sweet & priceless.
There is nothing wrong in being sensitive. After all God has made us human! What’s the difference between human and animals if we don’t have emotion and are not sensitive to the world. I like sensitive people, they feel more though they also hurt deeper but basically they love and …
No matter how you put yourself out for people, it’s hard to realize you don’t really matter. I am where love is. A great heart. The one God wants me to love on. Wherever I am in someone’s heart that is where I get to live because that heart keeps …
It’s better to do and to say the right things because actions are the interpretations of what we say. Fall for someone who has moral values, honest character, no players who talk to others behind your back. Don’t fall in love with a dreamer, fall in love with a doer.
I just got back with my first love after finding each other again after 11 years apart and in different provinces. True love never dies! ~ Rachel Poirier Some people are just destined to be together. No matter the amount of time that may go by or the distance. The universe …