Category: Life

Happiness Life People

How one can live a Happy Life?

A goal achieved is a satisfaction to the soul. It’s better invest to our own mind and soul and be contented and thankful, that is one of the path to happiness. If you place your happiness on others, you will always be let down, but, if you place it on …
Friendship Life

Friendship is about who walked into your Life

A real friend is the one who knows you best,and always present when you are in need. Friendship is a Rainbow between Two Hearts sharing 7 colours : Love, sadness, happiness, truth, faith, respect and secrets. Those who walk beside you are the ones who love you the most. They …
Good Gratitude Life

No matter how Good or Bad your Life is

70 percent of the population who thinks negatively and some don’t even realize it. Always start out with a smile and hope for the best. You just have to try to dodge and avoid unfavorable people and situations. Do whatever so you can control your positive outcome. ~ Pam Doering  I …