Category: Life

Life Wisdom

When the right things starts happening in your life

There are wrong people. Abusers, whether they are emotional, physical or sexual. I personally do not feel they have anything positive to teach you, other than needing years of therapy afterwards, then you can share your wisdom to help someone else who maybe going through the same misery/despair you went …
Let go Life Worry

When you let go of the unneeded stress

People need to know when to let go of things. Issues and people which are not worth holding, chasing and thinking about. Life free of stress is a life worth living, but can one be free from it, the best solution is to let go and live amiable life. By …
Life Love Regret Worry

Fall in Love, Regret nothing

Life is like an ice cream. Enjoy it before it melts. We make our life hard by our own self. Don’t worry about things. Miracles happens in life. Keep smile on your face. Happiness will follow you. We always make sure we have fun with our team: a team that …
Life People Yourself

In the end people will judge you anyway

If someone takes it the wrong way let them. We know who we are. I always tell my son that only apologize if you are wrong. This area is the worst for that. ~ Patricia White  Don’t live to impress anyone. Many are unhappy with how they look and feel about …