Category: Life

Lesson Learned Life Wisdom

Never underestimate the pain of a person

Some people are better at dealing with adverse circumstances than others. We all have problems in our life & everyone deals with it differently. Some are stronger & more resilient than others, every part of our life’s a chapter we learn from. ~ Chris Doyle  We all have our struggles in …
Belief Life Move on People

Don’t chase people when they walk away

I don’t want to chase people, I just want to say goodbye. I hate it when they just disappear without even saying anything. ~ Andria Kita  When you are constantly there for somebody and realize they are not giving their all and you decide to let go, maybe the other person …
Life Peace

Some of the best days of your life haven’t happened

The best is yet to come! Enjoy the road. Not the destination. The best day in your life is today. For today is the only day guaranteed. The best today will prepare for better tomorrow’s. It’s always nice to relax well after long day work or went out, come home take …