Category: Let go
Letting go is an act of love for one self. You have to let go of some things in order to be able to grab onto new and greater things in our lives, our thoughts & our dreams. When the one you’re letting go has proven beyond all doubt that …
When you know and feel that, there is a calmness that comes over you. I have the power, but for me acceptance & letting go still allow me to remember the good times. This is how I choose happiness. ~ Valerie Demers
We need to live with what is, but sometimes it’s just as important to hang on. Knowing when to let go and when to hang on is true wisdom. ~ Jennifer Williams Somethings were meant to go. Just taking one day at the time with a positive outlook will help us …
Sometimes we can go back just to the good things and leave bad memories behind, but also need to go forward for what is in stale for our lives, to things that make you happy and helps you to go on like family, children, grandchildren and friends! ~ Phyllis Neill You …
The answers your searching for may not always there to be found, then you must move on no matter how much it hurts. ~ Linda Crossman
We can’t undue the past-forecast the future – only live for today and make it the best ever. Love and prayer are the most powerful things we can use so let’s use them every day. ~ Sondra Rick