Category: Let go

Let go Life Move on People

Sometimes, you have to Let people go

Sometimes it has nothing to do with taking. Sometimes, it’s the judging, the criticism and the hurt they bring to your life. Trouble is you don’t realize this at the time. You are too happy giving and giving to the one you love and think loves you. You only realize …
Let go Move on

Hardest thing to do is Letting go

It’s so hard to do because hope keeps you lingering around but sometimes it’s best to finally let go so wounds can heal and love can fill your heart again for someone new. It just takes time. ~ Paul Aguirre Letting go and trusting the process is how things get done. …
Let go Move on

It is better to let someone walk away from you

It is also better to walk away than to hold on. The first honours the self.  Only happened once in my life and it was a blessing. ~ Barbara Derryberry  Usually they walk all over you then walk away, but only if you allow them to disrespect you. ~ Julie Hyndman  If …