Category: Let go
It’s the blessing of God who give a solution to resolve your problem as he always do. He is very kind to all of us. ~ Rana Naveed Ali This is part of God’s plan to teach us that we as his children are all connected to each other in some …
The only one you can change is you trying to change anyone else is wasted time. Sometimes you can’t change the people you love, even your family. You can’t be happy again if you don’t let go of something you can never change and is keeping you from feeling happiness …
Be the person that you were created to be, walk away and don’t look back, keep your light shine. Start with the positive list about the people if you have to work it out. If its still hurtful change your focus to someone who helps you be strong. We don’t …
Letting go instead hold on or change into something better. Just easier to walk away with a smile on your face that way keeps them wondering what’s up next. ~ Ginger Pridgen When holding on is morally and spiritually unacceptable and letting go is the proper and noblest thing to do.
He who cannot forgive breaks the bridge over which he, himself must pass. (Thomas Fuller) Have always tried to live by these words. It is hard sometimes but to harbor and carry a grudge, destroys you not the person who harmed you. ~ Dedra Edwards Open your eyes and peep into …
Try harder and if it doesn’t work, you will be better off walking away. ~ Mary Ramos Some need to be left out so as not to waste time. Some must try again, harder. ~ Erni Pratiwi It’s easer to try harder than to walk away and deal with all the heartache for …