Category: Let go

Let go People Thoughts

Some people who always seem angry

Once upon a time, I tried to not walk away because I tried to be sympathetic, but when a person is continuously bitter, an emotional roller coaster, and abusive, it can and will hurt you if you allow them to do that to you. I say, be there for them, …
Choice Let go Move on Yourself

When someone treats you like an option

We should always want to be “The choice” not “The option”. If they don’t know your value leave them and find others who can appreciate your worth. Never settle for less than you deserve. Always be a priority never an option. Know your self worth. ~ Deb Olalde  If they don’t …
Let go Move on People

Sometimes you have to give up on people

I call it disconnect! Some folks family or not are just not worth the effort to keep connected. Keep connected to those who want you, need you and love you and forget the rest. It is what it is. ~ Elizabeth Coard  It hurts a lot, but all one can do …
Let go Move on Strength Yourself

When you know you are healed?

Once you identify the deep inner hurt. Accept it, embrace it and understand it you will be free to tell your story without the tears. ~ Susan Warner  Forgetting and moving on is the hardest and though how much you think you are healed the wound still aches from inside. Some …