Category: Let go

Hurt Let go

Stop holding on to what hurts

There is always room for a new chapter in you’re life. Make room for God. What feels good isn’t always what’s right. Sometimes it’s somewhat real difficult to keep focused. Just keep your cool. There is always a moral to each and every chapter of your life. Just accept it. …
Feelings Let go Move on Yourself

Trust what you feel & follow your instincts

The intuitive mind is a sacred gift and the rational mind a faithful servant. We have created a society that honors the servants and has forgotten the gifts. ~ Albert Einstein This statement refers more to that “gut feeling”, the “red flags” that have no “reasonable basis in fact” that too often …
Let go

When you try and control everything

Suggest yourself that relaxation at times is your right. Your Body needs rest and relaxation. Switch on soft music of your choice, forget everything else and fall in love with yourself and your life. Remember enchanting moments of your life when you felt happiest and relax with the memories. If …