Category: Lesson Learned
Learn something new every day! In life is just a learning process of us to learn each of us the experiences and be humble always. ~ Gabriel Chiam
Try not to stress too much if your best friends judges you because it can stuff up your motivation to do well and keep in tact and if you are a bill payer, to pay your bills and what other money goals or plans you may have or even doing …
So much has changed just in 1 year, even 6 months, but we grow to be better people and accept change. It’s a chance to grow & be better this time around! ~ Leona Waldie Don’t stress about things or toxic people chances are they won’t be in your life in …
Usually because they are bored, jealous, envious, can’t understand why you are ahead of them and they are behind chatting about, YOU. By the time they have figured it out, YOU are so way ahead, they start on someone else. ~ Desirée Komnick
My response to the death of my baby is going to be vastly different to anybody else’s response due to a myriad of differing factors and contributors. When I started psychiatric nurse training in England many years ago at age 18 I had little life’s experience. A very wise tutor …
Nobody can be expected to stay the same, that’s life, some people do expect things to stay the same, and don’t want to face reality. Over four and a half years ago I lost my job, all my family and a long time girlfriend and a lot of so called …