Category: Lesson Learned
Everyone has a lesson to learn at what ever stage they are at in their lives. Even the heroin addict. He needs to learn precious valuable lessons. Who knows what they are, Jail, institutions, lets hope not death. Hope he learns his lesson before that. Some never learn it unfortunately …
You can do anything you put your mind to, just believe in yourself and it can be done. None of us are truly strong enough to handle things by ourselves. We all need God’s help. ~ Marcia Henson You can handle it by your self & you are able to …
Everything doesn’t happen in life as per your wishes and anger is the obvious sequel. Anger needs to be controlled else it muddles your mind losing clarity just like boiling water losing transparency so inherent in clean water. Angry state of mind loses the ability to make sound decisions as …
Human relationships are built upon mutual give and take. Not every relationship is meant to last. It is in God’s plan to expose you to all kinds of relationships and emotions of love , care , betrayal , trauma etc associated with it. This teaches you life lessons for you …
I have a limited life to live. I have my own priorities. I have set my goals and trying to whatever is possible to reach those goals. My goals are unique just meant for me . People surrounding us may have other expectations from me but nobody except me has …
Life is full of uncertainties . You would never know who will come unexpectedly in your life and help you out of a difficult situation. You may have to be patient to find the right answer for problem at hand which may seem to be unsolvable. Most of the time …