Category: Lesson Learned
A true friends is always there in good and bad times. A true friend is always there when you need them the most. Some people may just want to take from you and leave you when you’re in the midst of storm. ~ Jessie Ariona Anyone can be nice when times are …
Unconditional love. No labels on people, just loving them for them. ~ Diana Preneta How real love meant to be, it’s really hard to find so ideal and that what life proves day after day. Break down is not bad, being real with some breakdowns is much better than fake good …
When we hurt, we become brave. Making mistakes help us to learn. Encountering failure will create a determination to become successful. ~ Mouna Allouache You will never grow if you are afraid to live. No one has learned everything from their birth. We learn through making mistakes. How many times you …
Keep your word stay calm when you feel angry. Words can kill and destroy. Words and thoughts have power. If you fill your mind with words of kindness, you become kind. If you fill your mind with thoughts of courage, you become courageous. So, be mindful of your words. ~ Deni …
Words can lie, actions do not. Show me what you can do, don’t tell me what you can do. ~ Terry Peacock Don’t be deceive by all those empty talkers. ~ George Ofori Everyday, every action shows the real you specially if there is already a pattern of actions or series of …
There comes a time in life when you realize that goodbyes are as sweet as hellos. That’s why it is called the past we are passing away from the old & what we don’t like or need. ~ Amy Tregoning Even though there is pain we have to get through …