Category: Lesson Learned
Letting go instead hold on or change into something better. Just easier to walk away with a smile on your face that way keeps them wondering what’s up next. ~ Ginger Pridgen When holding on is morally and spiritually unacceptable and letting go is the proper and noblest thing to do.
When you’ve made the same mistake several times, guess you should just give up and try something new. People have to realize they have made a mistake before they are given another chance otherwise they are only going to repeat it. Not to say that you should not give it …
If you learn “A lesson for Life” keep it to that specific situation. Don’t take that luggage with you to another relationship. Give yourself time to heal. ~ Ed Skinner You can rely on a human being, or depend on someone, or share with someone. When you put your trust in …
He who cannot forgive breaks the bridge over which he, himself must pass. (Thomas Fuller) Have always tried to live by these words. It is hard sometimes but to harbor and carry a grudge, destroys you not the person who harmed you. ~ Dedra Edwards Open your eyes and peep into …
Live your life to the fullest and don’t worry about the other things. If others don’t like it so be it. We don’t just live only for them. Rejoice everyone! Life is not a rehearsal. ~ Sonya Bactad Love yourself first the rest will follow. You will not achieve your goal …
Some may never appreciate you even when they’ve lost you. If you want to free someone, forgive. If you want to free yourself, forget. A lot of people will never or rarely appreciate you. Even they lose you, they won’t care, they will just live their life happily. ~ Vitchaya Thanarojanawong Don’t …