Category: Lesson Learned
After they’ve created a ton of chaos to clean up, they expect someone else to do it for them. ~ Gail Klodt They are very quick to point out your faults. No matter that they have faults of their own, we are expected to just forget what they have said …
If they are gone, they were meant to be gone. If they are still in your life, they are suppose to be. It’s just too bad we don’t recognize it when were young. It’s when we’re older we can start relating and understanding. ~ Brenda Topolewski Sometimes it can take years …
We never trust our enemies, but our friends & loved once. Enemies can’t betray you and you wouldn’t care anyway, but when friends do, is the worst feeling ever. One of my recent lessons, but I learnt from this to depend less on friends and more on me. This way …
We need to live in the present and plan for the future. There is no future for those who live in the past. I have moved on to other goal oriented things in my life and my past friends are still doing the same. I expected them to be where …
You need to realize what you learned, improve upon those things, then take them with a grain of salt and move on. No relationship is ever going to be the same because no two people are the same. So you can’t judge a new relationship based on your last, it …
If you go the wrong way, you can again correct it, but if you say something wrong to some one, you can never amend it completely. I have said things in the past that were not kind, but I have ask God to again forgive me and with his Grace, …