Category: Lesson Learned

Lesson Learned Life People

It’s actions you should judge, not words

Your actions back up all the words you speak! Liars will always show their true colors in the end. If you listen and watch people will show you who they really are. Words without actions are meaningless. Actions make words unnecessary. People (especially men) will tell you what they think …
Lesson Learned Yourself

Learn to be alone & like your own company

The vast majority of people in the world are only in relationships because they are terrified of being alone. I like being alone, at least there’s no one else to complicate things, my life is enough of a battle as it is. ~ Nadeem Zafar  So many people are with the …
God Lesson Learned Life Relationship

When someone comes into your Life

I’m ready to meet the one I will be with till the end. ~ Michele Switzer  Everything happens for a reason. Sometimes we don’t know what that reason is though. ~ Sandi Nina  Lets just be optimistic whatever the situation will be because at times there are people that need to be a …