Category: Lesson Learned
I’ve had to learn to take care of me first. Sometimes there just is not anything else you can do. Like I said I let go and let God. Having complete faith in his will will be done. ~ Marla Bearden Never feel bad for saying no. God will bless …
People like this have the little man big mouth syndrom. They are like empty beer cans. All mouth no muscle. ~ Fran Cancelliere I know a person that every time I go to say something she talks over the top of me, and then wonders why I don’t bother to …
You can do any anything you put your mind to. I been told plenty of times I couldn’t do something. I enjoyed the ride and proved you can do anything if you put your mind to it. Don’t be deterred – there is always a way. ~ Lyn Smith
We would not be concerned with what “others” do or do not do. We would only be mindful of being loving, caring, and giving ourselves; without exception, without reserve, and without any expectations. ~ Ken Bauer We are often hurt because we have expectations if we cared and didn’t expect anything …
The only thing you should be striving for is loving and accepting yourself for who you were yesterday and who you are today. Incremental improvements are better than drastic ones and much better than no improvement at all! Life is a growing and learning journey. We die (inside and out) …
Accepting of people’s differences and not trying to change who they are will allow each of us to realize that our differences make us united! ~ Chris Neiman We are different each time the other door closes. Who I am now is totally different person then I was 6 months ago! …