Category: Kindness
I prayed this: “Father, You are Lord over my emotions, my entire being. Give me the gift of patience and self-control that I may always choose to love above proving myself right.” ~ Gel Romero When you can keep your emotions in check when others are trying to push your …
Helping others is the best thing you can do for yourself. It physically and mentally benefits you, making you healthier and happier and it’s good for everyone else too. Win win! ~ Sue Potter
Nothing is more important is your health when you are alive. To have this precious life we try to purify our soul to be loving kindness & compassion and to be kind to one another. ~ Gabriel Chiam We all come with nothing and leave this world with nothing. It is …
Thank you for being there every step of the way since we met. You are one amazing person and I love that I have you in my life you are the most purer friend I will always have. ~ Stevie Matamua
My rough patch is my 60 year brother passed away August 28 in Missouri and I’m the only last living relative from our family and I’m having to deal with all this when my loving daughter April Lynn is getting married in 7 days. I know this too shall pass …
Have a good kind heart for those who care… Sometimes you don’t know what you’ve got until it’s gone. If you feel you’re constantly being taken for granted, go out and meet some nice new people who do appreciate your kindness. ~ Gary Smith Good looks, wealth, and curves don’t …