Category: Kindness
They know what it feels like to have nothing. ~ Angela Freeman It is the small things in life that matter the most. It is from his heart. ~ Debbie Cernoch Having a heart is more than anyone could ever give sometimes people forget that poor people have a heart …
To give is to be used. To love is to be abused. To trust is to be naive. To listen is to lose one’s voice. The greatest lesson learned. It used to hurt but it doesn’t anymore. Love lives here. ~ Cassandra O’Brien Sometimes we don’t want to listen to …
We control how we react and feel, we are all different and react differently due to our life experiences. Just because we are responsible for how we react to how others, does not give a person the green card to mistreat another. Being kind to others sets an example to …
Sit and talk with a homeless person for a day,you may find out a lot about yourself and others as you sit look and listen to what is being said and what you may see I did this for a week and I got unexpected education from it and a …
For both male and female. You say hi they think you want them.etc The mind is a terrible thing to waste. ~ Lyn Brown-Mims It’s definitely a rare thing. People are too lazy to act the right way, or they think you’re hitting on them because they aren’t used to …
Be kind any time that one time you were kind and thought you were being used could turn around that person and they could be kind to another. ~ Wayne John Stone Kindness means being nice to people even when you don’t have to. I consider it one of the …