Category: Kindness
These people make you feel like you are better than you are. Nothing can compare with that. In fact the only time you feel bad with people like this in your life is when you don’t get to be around them. ~ Tuomas Pietikainen When you find a true friend you …
Be nice, just the same to everybody simply because you are a nice person. Do all things with kindness. Try it just for a day. ~ Mahatma Gandhi You don’t have to be rude. Always keep your class about you. If you don’t have anything nice to say, don’t say anything. Killing …
People will love you for who you are. If someone doesn’t like you as you are, their loss. If you did not do anything wrong for my appearance there’s nothing to be apologized. ~ Rosina Panganiban I do apologize for offending or unintentionally hurt someone by my words which I did …
Don’t ever mistake a wink from me for friendliness. I might have just cringed when I was unfortunate to look at you. ~ Diane Nolasco Unfortunately some people will just cross the line, mainly with kind, calm quiet people, so I’ve learnt to practice ‘tough love’, in order to 1. Protect …
Do nice things for people to help them have a good day. That is what we all should do for each other. All days we should be loveable. If you put the best you out there you tend to be more confident. When you happy with you it shows. ~ …
Some people don’t care how much they hurt other people. That’s the unfairness of life. You concentrate so much on the good that you don’t see the bad coming. ~ Anne Mwangi I once asked the guru, Amrit Desai, why does my heart keep getting broken?” He said, “Our hearts are …