Category: Kindness
Those of us of a certain age were raised in a time when having morals went hand in hand with being successful. Always keep an open mind and open to new ideas. There are always two points of view, Mine and Yours and we respect each others opinions and differences. …
Never allow anyone to define who you are. To yourself and to God this matters. Against the the world, they judge you on your status, income and looks. ~ Ban Maximilian The name you are wearing, using, driving, drinking or whatever does not impress me, how you live your life and …
Money is not everything in life. In our lives there are so many things that money can’t buy. Family, love & respect, they are the true happiness in ones life. Surely, all of us need money, but what it helps to obtain in life is temporary. ~ Vidura Jayasekera If you …
Words of your tongue can be sharper than a double edge sword. Sweet as honey can soften the wound. Sometimes that kind word could be so valuable it could change their days for a lifetime because it will not be forgotten but engraved in the heart forever. Giving is not always …
Sow blessings, and blessings will ripen,Sow hatred, and hatred will grow;Sow mercy and reap sweet compassion,You’ll reap whatsoever you sow. A good attitude will not only go a long ways, but it also healthy. Being nice is fun. When some people realize this ,then we will have a better world.
Be kind to everyone but if someone is being rude or hateful just because they can, then I will remove myself from the situation or try my best to ignore them. If it’s at work, I try to stay professional. For family, those people are cut off and not in …