Category: Kindness

Care Giving Kindness

Caring people help others

Taking care of others and kindness is my job. I´m a nurse and I love it. ~ Corinna Hahn  No matter how you feel about a person still show kindness. Caring for others to me is a way of life & I’m grateful to God for this gift. I try my …
Happiness Kindness Peace

it costs $0.00 to be a decent person

Decency cost a lot of patience, acceptance, bearing, self esteem, all that is in you that you never knew it was there. ~ Kausar Sadiq Years of hard work and lots of contemplation and will is needed to be a decent person in this dog eat dog world. Some are blessed …
Kindness Love Relationship

One day someone is going to hug you tight

(((((((Hugs beings sent your way)))))))) Tight hug from someone special always rejuvenates the entire system. People need to take responsibility for themselves and work on themselves to heal and put any broken pieces back together to be more whole. We can’t sit around waiting for someone to do that. ~ Susannah …