Category: Inspiration

Hurt Inspiration Life

Every wound there is a scar

Life is full of happy experiences and bitter ones. Any bitter experience shall leave a scar however small. Every scar has a different story to tell and each of these scars always has a different lesson for us towards making us a better person in future. Important thing after each …
Good Inspiration Life

The Best things in Life take a while

Life is a journey which tests the patience of  one who is most patient. Things may not work out as desired by us. Time runs away and nothing seems to be moving right but short cuts and compromising on principles to reach the goal fastest way may backfire. Best things …
Inspiration Life Thoughts Wisdom

Note to Self

Our mind is a devil which is in constant interaction with all surroundings. We literally have thousands of thoughts filling up our mind with some useful thoughts but most of it with garbage. What to keep and what to keep out is a constant exercise we undertake everyday. When we …