Category: Inspiration
God is merciful, He is always there for you. Just look around you at all the beautiful things that He has created. Faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen. One day we will all meet our Maker. ~ Sue Rosinbum God is good all …
Don’t think too much, let go and let God take care of it. What’s meant to be will be. ~ Ana Luisa Stress can lead to depression and many other illnesses and overthinking leads to stress. ~ Ray Sun Guard your thoughts when you are alone and your words where you are …
They’re so not worth your tears. Just don’t allow others to take your power. It is seldom about you, it’s about them. Don’t dwell on it it’s not worth it. ~ Unknown Most of the time only those who have never hurt anyone are the ones who get hurt. Those …
If you love someone make sure they know it or someone else will. The ones who have someone that proves it everyday is truly blessed. I can imagine how beautiful the feeling is. ~ Helen Galsti Some have that now and don’t realize and appreciate it then wonder why their man …
Unconditional love. No labels on people, just loving them for them. ~ Diana Preneta How real love meant to be, it’s really hard to find so ideal and that what life proves day after day. Break down is not bad, being real with some breakdowns is much better than fake good …
In the end you realize some things were meant to be. ~ Mick Junior They can come back together if you try. Anything worth having is worth fighting for. You will know in time why it happened and that it was meant to be that way and look back and say, …