Category: Inspiration
The only ones who have been there for me, in really hard times, are my rescued dogs. In a way of just putting their head in my lap, when so heartbroken, they have given speechless comfort, love and understanding. No human has ever helped me through hard times. ~ Lisa Hansen …
We can’t worry about what other people say or think of us. We can only control what we think of ourselves! As long as we don’t hurt anyone, we have all the right to be happy even in a simple way. In most cases people that talk bad about you is …
Trust God all the time, if you have a good relationship with Him. All of us have our own plans, have it or not is not a questioned of why, everything changed whether we like it or not, uncontrolled events in one’s life always happens, be it our downfall, or …
You can’t predict your future. You can be lied to, disrespected and mistreated and not even see it coming. Some people show you what they are really made of, years after love has gone wrong. If people don’t change their standards for you then step out. Love change everything. I …
“Trust” and ” Patience” are BIG words in life. Stay in faith even when it seem impossible, I’m trusting and waiting for the things to come in my life. ~ Kwame Boateng There is a difference in truly needing something and wanting something. Put faith and trust in God and he …
Brighter and brighter each time from the lessons we learn. Our outcome will be amazing. Stay strong and love your life, just the way it is. ~ Norma Underwood While you are in the midst of the storm, your soul is always leading you home. Home to the place where you …