Category: Inspiration
Keep your circle positive! Those people who’s with you during the lowest point of your life is a keeper.
If we can learn to depend on ourselves and be alone, then we can learn to be with others and respect our individuality. When we are capable, yet rely on others to support us, then we take others for granted. When we are alone we are forced to face ourselves …
The real you is not for someone to discover. You are the CEO of your heart and have to decide who you show your heart to. Love is like poker. If you show your hand and he/she folds, you throw in your hand, check your chips and bet again. If …
Life is like a camera. Take a good memories but forget negative effects. Be a realistic! Focus on the good things that are coming your way.
The only person you can expect anything from is yourself. That way your never disappointed. No expectations is the key to happiness! I’ve learned not to have or keep too many big expectations especially from others and of things beyond my control but to be positive. No one …
It’s a process, of discovery. There are hidden wounds and insights about the past that are extremely helpful to know before you discard the past that help launch you forward. It seems blame comes before understanding in our maturity tangle. This is an exciting step in the process, very freeing! …