Category: Inspiration
Another day to complete our lessons for this lifetime. One day and your at your lowest and can’t see how things are going to get better and the next day God turns every thing to the good. ~ Sue Duvall We should better our present because past is just sorrow and …
When you worry about the “what if”, you miss out on greater things outside the box. Life is too short, focus on the good things or you might end up losing it. Enjoy each day as it comes as it might be your last. Better instinct is to believe that …
Usually because they are bored, jealous, envious, can’t understand why you are ahead of them and they are behind chatting about, YOU. By the time they have figured it out, YOU are so way ahead, they start on someone else. ~ Desirée Komnick
That’s relates to all that goes on in life every day. No one knows where that change may lead you towards. Hopefully a more positive good place in life. ~ Michele Burnett Lately I’ve been going after what I wanted. It’s not working out just yet, but I’m not quitting. Otherwise …
Not everyone who comes in your life stays with you forever. People are going to leave you in your life to make a better person & it’s bound that you will be meeting better people as well. Life doesn’t stuck at one place, you need to move forward & take …
Through the trials and tribulations a son was born. A true blessing to a father. Be honorable, be awesome, fight the good fight. Be there to teach him how to shave. The marines had to teach me. Teach him how to build a fire, how to cast a line, how …